Last night something spectacular happened. My sister and I decided to order sushi, and when I called the local sushi restaurant they said they weren't delivering tonight. "Rats," I thought. But we decided to bundle up and brave the cold, and walk over to the restaurant to pick up the sushi.

Of course I lost my gloves from last year, so I decided to rummage around my desk to see if I could find my gloves from
my Link costume from last Halloween. While I did not find those particular gloves, I DID find the fugly pair of gloves that I received for Christmas last year from one of my relatives. I guess I just threw them in my desk last Christmas, because I'm pretty disorganized and usually end up throwing shit in my desk that I don't really want to deal with.

"Ooh la la"
Well, as I stuck my hand into one of the fugly-ass gloves from last Christmas, I felt something crinkly. What did I find, you ask..........?

Of course I had to perform a little jig for my sister and unsuspecting roommates, who looked upon my jig with bewildered amusement, until I told them of my Miraculous Christmas Tale.

"It's all about the benjamin, baby"
The moral of the story? Always check your Christmas presents for hidden cash. And if you don't, remember to KEEP YOUR FUGLY GIFTS, and prepare for a delightful surprise in another year!